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Benefits of Becoming an Online Instructor

It gives you a lot of freedom

All you need is an internet connection and a few ideas for your lessons. You are free to decide the fee for the course/s you teach.

You are your own boss

You decide what course you want to teach, when you want to start and end the course. You can take holidays whenever you want or you can work your butt off if you wish so. You are in charge of your time and that’s a very liberating feeling.

Your students really try hard to learn

People who pay for online courses tend to have more motivation to learn. They are determined and hard working. This means that they listen carefully and are interested in studying. Online lessons give them more opportunity to do so and even the shyest students become a little more eager to inquire about things that they want more information on.

There are no discipline issues

If you’ve ever taught in a school/college, you know that many times you have pupils, who just refuse to study and don’t pay attention. At the end of the day it leaves you exhausted and demotivated. That’s why online lessons are much better for both the teachers and the students.

No tests to check

You can create online quizzes and tests which will be evaluated automatically and the result will be known to you students. You don’t need to do any thin except creating quality quizzes.

Last but not the least is Professional Satisfaction. Given all the prime advantages of online teaching like flexibility, convenience, ease of access and sharing etc, an online teacher is professionally satisfied. Since online education has brought a revolution in the education industry, being a part of it could be a great benefit to every teacher.

Apply To Join us as an Instructor

  • Pl. fill up the form alongside to become an instructor.
  • You will be able to create and sell your courses as soon as your application is approved. 
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